Archive for the 'Places' Category

The year 2007 forever changed May 5th

Published on May 5, 2010

Tweet It’s a great coincidence that the PBS Super Sisters’ Great Day of Gratitude would fall on this day. The Sisters have slated the day for their momblogger friends to share their gratitude with their kids’ teachers. Since we won’t have an official teacher until preschool next year, I would like to dedicate this year’s […]

Arms wide Open with the TreePeople

Published on May 4, 2010

Tweet It was such an idyllic afternoon I was sorry I didn’t allow myself more time to enjoy Celebrate Motherhood and Mother Earth with the TreePeople. The crowd was truly the most gorgeous group of moms and dads I’ve seen together in one place since my first fashionista party in downtown LA(a long time ago). […]

Motherhood Begins Now!

Published on April 28, 2010

Tweet This Sunday, May 2, I am looking forward to heading up the hill to Coldwater Canyon Park (the one on Mulholland) to participate in Pregnancy Awareness Month with the Tree People. The event promises to be a “free, red-carpet lifestyle event celebrating expectant moms and new parents”. The event is hosted by Anna Getty, […]

the week in pictures…

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Tweet Whew! So much fun to have, so few hours in the day…themes for the week are: family, nostalgic fun, food, and flat Karissa. * My sweet in laws are visiting from Washington state -the Critter has been having so much fun seeing the sights with them * We celebrated my Perfect Husband’s birthday with […]

Weekend roundup…

Published on April 19, 2010

Tweet Fun with the Critter Window Shopping on Rodeo In addition to sharing the sights above that I have for you today, I would also like to add a couple of things I learned last week: * Social media has power and Moms need to wield it wisely, thank you Jessica Gottlieb * The Coldwater […]


Published on April 16, 2010

Tweet I grew up in a landscape of lush green grass and towering trees – the climate would allow a few nice flowering plants, like azaleas, camellias, hydrangeas, and gardenias, but the Southern gardener would have to work really hard to get roses to bloom as rampantly as they do here in my neighborhood. I […]

My “date” with Chris Mann!

Published on April 15, 2010

Tweet See the whole broadcast! As I mentioned in my previous post, My Perfect Husband and the Critter had boys’ night last night so Mom could go check out this Chris Mann person as the final event of the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Block Party ’10. Immediate reactions? He is disarmingly charming, smolderingly handsome, […]

I feel like I’m internet dating again…

Published on April 14, 2010

Tweet Tonight I am going to Genghis Cohen, a place I have been many times to eat firecracker shrimp, to drink cocktails, and see live music. The first time I went there was for a private party with one of my fabulous vendors from NEWH when I was a newbie designer in town. I wasn’t […]

Groupie report!

Published on April 13, 2010

Tweet Video from my fave local singer/songwriter, Sean Galuszka‘s band at the Dakota Lounge. This is my favorite song from his new cd Gravity.

Spring excitement thus far…

Published on April 8, 2010

Tweet I think I’ll let the photos tell the story – around here it’s pretty much been great weather, fun playdates and beginning Easter traditions…