Archive for the 'Places' Category

You’re just jealous…

Published on March 4, 2009

Tweet …that we have days like today. In February – uh March. I really feel for all a y’all, shoveling snow and stuff. But make the best of it – you can “procreate” a virtual garden while you’re stuck inside. (Thanks to Alex for the flower site : )

Appearing soon on your newstand…

Published on March 2, 2009

Tweet …is “Laughing Matter: Comedy’s New Legends” in Vanity Fair. If you’ve seen any of the movies these guys have made, seeing them here is already making you laugh. VF’s Jim Windolf observes: “After appearing in Knocked Up and/or The 40-Year-Old Virgin, this quartet can now be considered summa cum laude graduates of the Judd […]

Bontemps rouler, cher!

Published on February 24, 2009

Tweet Click here to get yourself in the groove Jazz Fest is coming, baby…

And the Winners are:

Published on February 23, 2009

Tweet For a funny recap, check this out. The list of the 2009 Academy Award Winners is as follows… ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE Sean Penn – Milk ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE Kate Winslet – The Reader ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE Penelope […]

A Fresh Outlook

Published on January 5, 2009

Tweet Lord has it been a MONTH? I have most diligently updated my “Alexandra Out and About” section ( see? on the right there?) so that you have at least some idea of what’s been going on here in the ‘hood. I have to be honest, dear reader, I have just had other priorities this […]

A girl and her gays

Published on December 8, 2008

Tweet When my perfect Husband wonders what kinds of things I do when out with my gay friends I can now show him this and know that it explains everything. A girl could never get her hubby to do it like this… Speaking of gays, The Critter’s favorite “uncle” has invited me to go to […]

Weekend in the ‘Hood…

Published on November 10, 2008

Tweet …was mostly NOT in the hood. You know I hate the freeway. My Perfect Husband always jokes that I practically will drive through people’s backyards to shortcut. I realize that millions of people hop on the freeway many times a day and think nothing of it, but for me it’s a Voyage, requiring much […]

We won. Sigh.

Published on November 5, 2008

Tweet Prop H is defeated, but not by much at all – no doubt there will be a recount and we’ll be subject to problems like this with Oasis Realty West ad nauseum.

Hurrahs and Boos!

Published on October 27, 2008

Tweet I am SO happy today! Two good reasons – it’s almost Halloween, so I can wear this hat while strolling the Critter and dress him a sweatshirt that makes him look like a pumpkin. I get really crazy with costumes and no one is safe once I decide what WE’re going to be, as […]

Got antiques? Good news!

Published on October 24, 2008

Tweet Bill Rau, president of my beloved M S Rau Antiques in New Orleans says that historically antiques perform well as investments in troubled times. Rau should know – his family has had their shop in the French Quarter for nearly a century. I have visited their beautiful space on Royal Street more times that […]