Archive for the 'Places' Category

F*@k Paris Hilton, Joan Collins is a REAL celebrity!

Published on October 19, 2008

Tweet I’m embarassed to say how excited I am right now – I just stood next to Joan Collins in line at Whole Foods! She’s really lovely, and beautifully dressed, just like one of her characters would be while shopping on a Sunday afternoon with her handsome son? / lover? for supper’s ingredients before being […]

Happy Hour! It all started when…

Published on September 29, 2008

Tweet …it occurred to the perfect Husband and I that we haven’t yet had a party in our home that was a grown up cocktail party since the Critter was born. As if by spontaneous combustion, Calibamanancy* of CityMommy, having offered to host a get together at her home for visiting CityMommies, had a flood, […]

Weekend in the hood

Published on September 23, 2008

Tweet Bah, Critter had the croup for the third time last week, so my posts were few. We did manage to attend two noteworthy events on Sunday. My very fabulous designer friend Carlos Alberto of The Skyline Studios was chosen to create a model unit at EVO South. The much-anticipated LEED certified highrise community opened […]

More chocolate to love in the hood

Published on September 9, 2008

Tweet I remember seeing the opening of this shop in the Beverly Hills Courier. I thought – that woman thinks about chocolate the same way I think about design! I never walk down Canon Drive between Dayton and Wilshire – it’s not on my usual route, but The Critter and I happened to be in […]

Luau update

Published on September 8, 2008

Tweet Just in – new pic of the Luau. I was only allowed to photograph the changes to the facade, but I did get to look inside, and let’s just say that Ms Rodkin , true to her jewelry design background, is bringing on the shimmer and sheen – it will be a verrry flattering […]

Celebrity sightings

Published on September 4, 2008

Tweet It was very busy in the triangle this afternoon! I spotted Sherry Stringfield at Rite Aid, Jaclyn Smith on Brighton leaving Chanel, and Weston Coppola-Cage with his mom on Canon.

The new Luau Restaurant in Beverly Hills

Published on September 3, 2008

Tweet You don’t come to me for the hottest and newest – I know, I’m more about nostalgia and culture personality than TMZ. But this post has a bit of both. I stroll the Critter all over the Beverly Hills triangle about three times a week to do errands. One of the very first posts […]

Random Summer fun not yet posted…

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Tweet I take photos all the time and just can’t blog every one of them. So above you have in no particular order photos from the summer. Mouse over the pics for the captions…Enjoy!

“Million Dollar Listing” vapid and transfixing at once

Published on August 22, 2008

Tweet I love reality shows. I know, I know, they’re the death of art and all that, but as cultural phenomenon, but I get a huge kick out them. Well, that, and sometimes they show my neighborhood and people I have met. It took me awhile to remember where I met Josh Flagg on MDL, […]

Abundance of riches – torpor of spirit

Published on August 3, 2008

Tweet Right now I have a couple of hours to do anything I want to do. I have before me: • Beverly Hills Community Services Bulletin – and pore over pages six and seven – I can stress about whether the Critter is properly stimulated prior to entering preschool. • Read I, Rhoda Manning, Go […]