Archive for the 'Things' Category

The latest from Bohemia…

Published on March 26, 2009

Tweet Great things I get to see because I have very creative friends who travel a lot – a perfect study of pattern, texture, light and line, disguised as a snapshot from a visit to the Prague Castle.

I am cackling out loud as I read this…

Published on March 25, 2009

Tweet Richard of Gawker does it again…

Creepy today

Published on March 23, 2009

Tweet Today I reread this and this in the morning, and then saw this in the afternoon. I’m going out for some fresh air now. I feel sort of icky.

Affirming my inner goddess

Published on March 18, 2009

Tweet Feeling very Ceres as I tend to my ranunculus.

Spring has SO sprung…

Published on

Tweet My favorite of the flora and fauna on the street today…

Thank goodness for the very rich…

Published on March 13, 2009

Tweet I got a postcard in the mail this week that made me think about so many wonderful things in Los Angeles that get taken for granted. It seems to me the au courant attitude toward the very rich has been outwardly hostile. In my work I sometimes hear negative comments like “must be nice” […]

So we know what’s being stimulated…

Published on March 4, 2009

Tweet The brand newly designed logo for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was unveiled yesterday, which is… “…also making it easier for Americans to see what projects are being funded with their money as part of our recovery. So in the weeks to come, the signs denoting these projects are going to bear the […]

Art and Politics in the the Hood

Published on March 1, 2009

Tweet I usually leave politics out of my blog. I keep up with local politics fairly well, have served on committees for the City of Beverly Hills, and have endorsed candidates from time to time, but consider this to be my own personal business. I am much more art than politics. Worlds collided with the […]

Bontemps rouler, cher!

Published on February 24, 2009

Tweet Click here to get yourself in the groove Jazz Fest is coming, baby…

And the Winners are:

Published on February 23, 2009

Tweet For a funny recap, check this out. The list of the 2009 Academy Award Winners is as follows… ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE Sean Penn – Milk ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE Kate Winslet – The Reader ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE Penelope […]