Archive for the 'Things' Category

For all those who love Trader Joe’s

Published on February 14, 2009

Tweet For those of you who don’t have Trader Joe’s in your city, it’s an independent grocery chain that manufactures most of its products, and there are LOTS of things to get addicted to. I must admit that until I became a wife and mother – Trader Joe’s was a place to buy protein bars, […]

Drumroll…hope you like this color…

Published on January 20, 2009

Tweet …because you’ll be seeing it everywhere. Once color marketing and trend forecasters like Pantone and Color Marketing Group announce their predictions for popular color, manufacturers listen. Companies like the Gap and just about any retail manufacturer prepare their interpretations fashionable color the minute these reports are available and cater everything in their lines to […]

Ellen’s groovin too!

Published on January 15, 2009

Tweet And they’re still in the lead on Superstars of Dance!

Gettin my Groovaloo on

Published on January 11, 2009

Tweet I watched this with my mouth open, eyes wide – my sweet friend Joanie is the woman behind the man who is Bradley Rapier who is the man behind the Groovaloos. And the Groovaloos are representing the USA in an international dance competition called Super Stars of Dance, hosted by none other than the […]

A Fresh Outlook

Published on January 5, 2009

Tweet Lord has it been a MONTH? I have most diligently updated my “Alexandra Out and About” section ( see? on the right there?) so that you have at least some idea of what’s been going on here in the ‘hood. I have to be honest, dear reader, I have just had other priorities this […]

A girl and her gays

Published on December 8, 2008

Tweet When my perfect Husband wonders what kinds of things I do when out with my gay friends I can now show him this and know that it explains everything. A girl could never get her hubby to do it like this… Speaking of gays, The Critter’s favorite “uncle” has invited me to go to […]

This is just brilliant…

Published on November 17, 2008

Tweet …and goes to show that amazing talent can take the abc’s and turn them into art.

*Things that make you go Hmmm…

Published on November 14, 2008

Tweet * Thanks to the Critter’s Grand Mother for sending this

I’m going completely ornaMENTAL~

Published on November 13, 2008

Tweet I know, I know – you thought that the Aesthetic Addict has jumped the shark and is only interested in base amusements like the Real Housewives – but no, dear reader. I spent the better part of Veteran’s Day at The Getty, my favorite museum in Los Angeles. The Getty is one of the […]

RHoA doesn’t disappoint

Published on November 12, 2008

Tweet Dwight is right – again. The gay bff of NeNe says “What is a fashion show with no clothes? Nothing.” This is the Best RH series yet!!! But Sheree went ahead and pretended it was something and her friends came and saw just that – a lot of nothing. I just love it when […]