Archive for the 'Things' Category

Random Summer fun not yet posted…

Published on September 3, 2008

Tweet I take photos all the time and just can’t blog every one of them. So above you have in no particular order photos from the summer. Mouse over the pics for the captions…Enjoy!

The infuriating picayune of MDL

Published on September 2, 2008

Tweet So I don’t know what makes me more furious – that my camera accidentally went to the beach with the Husband and the Critter, sabotaging my intended post about the new Luau Restaurant on Bedford, (I talked up the contractor and they let me take pics of it while it’s still under construction), OR […]

“Million Dollar Listing” vapid and transfixing at once

Published on August 22, 2008

Tweet I love reality shows. I know, I know, they’re the death of art and all that, but as cultural phenomenon, but I get a huge kick out them. Well, that, and sometimes they show my neighborhood and people I have met. It took me awhile to remember where I met Josh Flagg on MDL, […]

The 2008 Olympics – the designer’s color commentary

Published on August 10, 2008

Tweet “Where is everybody?” I wondered yesterday, as the Critter and I mosied around the triangle on his Kettler yesterday morning. Then, like a V-8 moment, I realized that people are watching the Olympics! It should come as no surprise to my readers that I am no follower of sports. I am often grateful that […]

Beating the heat – country style

Published on August 9, 2008

Tweet How cute is this? A moose and her babies find a sprinkler to cool down.

More fun with puppets and prerecorded music…

Published on August 6, 2008

Tweet I just used this to give the Critter his first lesson in the rap / hip hop genre. I hope The Husband doen’t mind – he would prefer the Critter only learn classical, Sinatra style and Journey. But Critter already has his hands up in the A-yuh!

Abundance of riches – torpor of spirit

Published on August 3, 2008

Tweet Right now I have a couple of hours to do anything I want to do. I have before me: • Beverly Hills Community Services Bulletin – and pore over pages six and seven – I can stress about whether the Critter is properly stimulated prior to entering preschool. • Read I, Rhoda Manning, Go […]

Vintage Medical Advice

Published on August 1, 2008

Tweet Leave it to Gawker to unearth this old cigarette advertisement – sheesh! We better get back to puffing!

Obviously I have a problem…

Published on July 29, 2008

Tweet …that I can’t get enough of Mr. Conjunction Junction. I love the idea that when I was a little girl I could watch something great like the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons on Saturday morning and now I can go see the conductor of the conjunctions himself play live under the stars over Beverly Hills. Jack […]

I just LOVE this – how about you?

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Tweet This combines so many of my favorite things it’s almost too much for me to bear! A cute hippo, Merv Griffin, sequins and Jack Sheldon. I was so enraptured by it that for a fleeting moment I thought that Grif and Jack were really operating the puppets! The hippo kills me – especially from […]