Androgynous Pat to the extreme

Published on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

I must admit that when I first read this article about “Pop”, a Swedish child whose gender is not being revealed by his/her parents, I was irritated. This experiment is designed to put nurture/nature to the test, by allowing Pop to become whatever gender he/she likes. While I really don’t think it’s wise to use one’s own child as an experiment and was ready to get on the bash the idiot parent wagon, but it is sort of interesting how irritated it makes people when they don’t know one’s gender.

And why do we care anyway? Technically, the child is not being harmed by being allowed to pick whatever toys and clothing he/she wants, and he/she wants to wear both on different occasions. But my more cynical side tells me that the parents might be creating a naivete that could hurt the child in the long run by not allowing them to know that a little boy wearing lipstick in math might have a impact on his social life that he didn’t expect when he was enjoying trying it on.

As much fun as it might be to do “girly” with my son one of these days, I have heard stories from personal friends that it was a terrible idea for their parents to allow, for example, a thirteen year old boy to highlight his hair in 1989. “What was she thinking?” He fumes, “I had football players spitting on my car”. But maybe this was a gay thing and not a gender thing. I am politically incorrect again, sorry, just not sure what it all means.

I noticed recently how annoyed people became when a mother to be would not reveal the sex of her baby. Didn’t she know how much cute stuff is boy OR girl? Green is way too ambivalent! Being a lover of pink myself, and a somewhat fastidious accessorizer, have nearly eschewed pink altogether, lest my very masculine diaper bag clash. A lover of color should probably be more liberal in their attitude toward this subject but I confess I am a true pedestrian. Blue is for boys. Pink is for girls.

So I wonder: will the Critter go to Beverly High with kids who have no discernible gender identity? And will they be cool with that in the way that now young people are (mostly) cool with gay people? Will I be going to a PTA meeting with whole families whose gender is not detectable? What will that be like? Will boys who like to wear dresses not get beat up anymore? What if my kid is the kid wearing the dress? The places my mind goes during naptime…

The Vultures circle…

Published on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

I remember leaving my Aunt Sylvia’s house in 1977 with my mother and hearing on the radio that Elvis had died. Mom cried the entire two hour trip back to our home, and my seventh grade brain thought how sad Lisa Marie would be, and how she was really lucky to be his daughter and have so many people love her. I am reminded of this event now, as a mother who grew up with Michael Jackson. I honestly didn’t know how sad I would be with his passing. I think I had some secret desire that he would one day be able to prove that he really was like Peter Pan, and that he never did anything but help children. That his upcoming (sold out, btw) tour would revive the joy of performances past and we could love him again. That his children would grow up and say “Dad really IS just a big kid, and he took really good care of us”.

So now it’s four days later, ten or twenty viewings each of all his old videos on youtube, and lots of tears for what was and could have been, for him and for his children. Sadness is giving way to anger now that I am seeing that his parents are going to take full custody of his children. Am I the only one who heard him say on television that his father beat him and his brothers repeatedly when they were children, and that his mother never did anything about it? And further, that he molested LaToya?

Joe Jackson admitted to the BBC in 2003: “I whipped him with a switch and a belt…I never beat him. You beat someone with a stick.” Thanks for clearing that up, Joe. Can you enlighten us on the finer points of LaToya’s claims? Your kids are consumate professionals, but have tragic lives – clearly you are not fit to parent. So far his idea of honoring Michael is to announce his new record company.

If the powers that be in California allow this custody placement to stand then we have a very broken system. I pray that some powerful sane person will come forward to help these children.

I have wondered about this – is college an financial albatross?

Published on Monday, June 29th, 2009

Oh GREAT! College not a good idea now?

Jack Hough reveals some disturbing figures in Smart Money…

Worlds collide – news from New Orleans

Published on Monday, June 29th, 2009

New Orleans is just being realistic. The guys at Storyville think this might be the ticket to bontemps roulez!

“New Orleans will elect a new mayor on April 22, 2010, and the Brad Pitt for Mayor Campaign Steering Committee is asking you to vote for Brad Pitt. After extensive polling, focus group discussions and soul searching, the steering committee, headed by Tulane’s Dr. Thomas M. Bayer, decided upon thirteen reasons why the Crescent City would be best served with Brad Pitt as Mayor.

Reason #1 – He’s Qualified

Rather than having to make vague and unpersuasive connections between clearly unrelated qualifications such as, say, franchise executive and governing abilities, the qualifications of our candidate are plainly obvious: as the worldwide audience of Homer’s Troy can attest, Mr. Brad Pitt clearly has the stomach for the job, not to mention the shoulders to carry the burden of governance.

Reason #2 – NOLA ♥’s Brad Pitt

By bestowing the great office of Mayor of our city upon Mr. Pitt, we, the citizens, are afforded the opportunity to say thanks for the many wonderful things this gentleman has already done for us. What better way to show our heart-felt appreciation than to present to him the mayoral office, the patronage trough, the cornucopia of our great city, that which we hold so dear and is ours to bequeath?

Reason #3 – Lagniappe

If we elect Brad Pitt mayor, Angelina Jolie would be the First Lady of New Orleans.

Reason #4 – Technology and Gastronomy

Instead of technology executives vying for malfunctioning anti-crime camera installation contracts and lap dances, movie moguls from everywhere will lobby the mayor to get a table on Galatoire’s ground floor for the Friday before Mardi Gras all-afternoon lunch.

Reason #5 – Publicity

Publicity and photo opportunities will chase our Mayor, instead of the Mayor chasing publicity and photo opportunities.

Reason #6 – Urban Planning

We will not have to rename a street to honor his name, as Pitt Street already exists.

Reason #7 – City Council Relations

Stacy Head will be nice to the new Mayor.

Reason #8 – Economics

Instead of executive travel expenses depleting our budget, the city’s coffers will be filled through generous personal appearance fees earned by Mr. Pitt as our elected leader and ambassador.

Reason #9 – Convention Business

New Orleans will become the magnet for conventions of professional women’s organizations worldwide. The warm glow of pink Cadillacs will illuminate our Southern nights. This mass of sensually charged femininity will attract male visitors eager to contribute their economic stimulus.

Reason #10 – Jazz Fest

Instead of being greeted by the ubiquitous presence of Shell (God bless them!), visitors to Jazz Fest will be welcomed at the main entrance by our Mayor enthroned on the King of Rex Float, officiated by his Secretary of Music, Quint Davis.

Reason #11 – Rebuilding

Rather than relying on Aussie eloquence and narrative creativity or malfunctioning federal and state agencies, Mr. Pitt, as our chief executive will, instead, lead us, the local Pittwomen and Pittmen, in the fight against blight, crime, poverty and lack of humor. Dressed in period costumes and assisted by experienced producers, set builders, make-up artists, and camera operators, this cast of thousands will launch our Renaissance epic in weekly reality sequels.

Reason #12 – Transparency

Instead of having to sue for the release of public records, or to attempt to restore accidentally deleted emails, we can learn everything about our first executive from the pages of the National Enquirer and People Magazine.

Reason #13 – Integrity

Rather than governing our city to achieve fortune, fame and a book deal, our candidate already has achieved fortune, fame and MOVIE deals.”

Incase anyone forgot WHY he’s the King of Pop…

Published on Thursday, June 25th, 2009

We want you back Baybah!

The why of Super Why

Published on Monday, June 15th, 2009

My PBS homework

Critter has homework too!

I was excited to be included as a mom blogger in the discussion that took place today at KCET. What became a round table discussion about our relationships to the media that our children see was presided over by three veteran producers of educational television. It was real treat to be able to see into the inner thoughts of how Super Why, Sesame Street, Sid the Science Kid, and Curious George came to be. Joyce Campbell, Lesli Rotenberg, and Angela Santomero really revitalized my interest in programming for children, and I have now walked away as a mom who doesn’t think that all TV is bad. I’m fascinated by the inspiration that led these women, all mothers themselves to create what I think is the best programming for children. I will have much more to report about this, as you can see I have been given a lot of material to pass by the Critter and see what he responds to. I also am happy to know that they want our ideas on how to keep kids watching educational television as they grow past preschool age. I’m all for kids watching programming that teaches them to love to read a real book!

Parents interested in knowing more about exploring the world with PBS should go here. They want to hear from you, and they listen!

Break it down, now!

Published on Friday, June 12th, 2009

I keep hoping I’ll get to see something like this in person. This bandit performance happened today at LIVE! on Sunset. I’m pretty amazed that anyone in that place is old enough to know what Hamma Time is! This could singlehandedly revive harem pants.

Maybe I’ll have to watch more…

Published on Thursday, June 11th, 2009

…of 30 Rock. Lord knows I see PLENTY of Sesame Street lately, and it ROCKS!!

Thanks to Susan for the link to this dissertation proving that 30 Rock has Been Done. Bryan Lynch points adamantly to the truth.

Who does that to a four year old?

Published on Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

A Jackass wannabe, I guess – the dude is steroidally shrill. At least props go to the Mama Bear for taking control of the sitch…

I’m glad you cleared that up…

Published on Friday, June 5th, 2009

now that I have the Critter I try not to poison him. This article by Karen Murphy of Causecast is a nice clean breakdown of natural to biodynamic.

Also check out the tees by charity:water that I saw at Saks today. They’re having a big saaaale!