The Rug Man is coming!

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I got the call last week – Jim from Turkey is coming! For those of you who may not know him already, Jim and Hiku are partners who come here from Turkey periodically and they bring a wonderful selection of rugs with them – all sorts of orientals from Chinese to Oushak to Caucasion, Old to New, and they have great prices. Jim is taking appointments now for his visit to Los Angeles – if you’d like him to come to your home and show you the rugs he will come! Clients and friends alike have his rugs and it generally goes like this: I tell my circle and they either want to see him again or want their friend to see him. It usually causes a party. Few can resist them once they see them.

Jim’s phone number (now he’s really cute but very married, so don’t call him for anything but rugs, ladies) is:

A few of my projects above with rugs from The Rug Man above~also see here for more photos with rugs

One Response to “The Rug Man is coming!”

  1. ariste Says:

    Visit ariste

    Hey Alexandra. Wonderful website my dear! You’ve obviously put a ton of time and energy into this and it shows.

    …And I may need Jim from Turkey’s services. For rugs that is.
