Archive for November, 2008

This is just brilliant…

Published on November 17, 2008

Tweet …and goes to show that amazing talent can take the abc’s and turn them into art.

*Things that make you go Hmmm…

Published on November 14, 2008

Tweet * Thanks to the Critter’s Grand Mother for sending this

I’m going completely ornaMENTAL~

Published on November 13, 2008

Tweet I know, I know – you thought that the Aesthetic Addict has jumped the shark and is only interested in base amusements like the Real Housewives – but no, dear reader. I spent the better part of Veteran’s Day at The Getty, my favorite museum in Los Angeles. The Getty is one of the […]

RHoA doesn’t disappoint

Published on November 12, 2008

Tweet Dwight is right – again. The gay bff of NeNe says “What is a fashion show with no clothes? Nothing.” This is the Best RH series yet!!! But Sheree went ahead and pretended it was something and her friends came and saw just that – a lot of nothing. I just love it when […]

Weekend in the ‘Hood…

Published on November 10, 2008

Tweet …was mostly NOT in the hood. You know I hate the freeway. My Perfect Husband always jokes that I practically will drive through people’s backyards to shortcut. I realize that millions of people hop on the freeway many times a day and think nothing of it, but for me it’s a Voyage, requiring much […]

We won. Sigh.

Published on November 5, 2008

Tweet Prop H is defeated, but not by much at all – no doubt there will be a recount and we’ll be subject to problems like this with Oasis Realty West ad nauseum.

Let the RHofA take your mind off politics tonight

Published on November 4, 2008

Tweet So the worms are turning. Sheree is still a moody snooty woman who is constantly being reminded by Kim (who is now better dealing her soon to be ex friend NeNe) how absolutely beautiful they are. Kim is also being prepped for a singing career by Dallas Austin, who no doubt owes her sugardaddy […]