I’m on fire

It seemed charming to keep the vintage GE ovens from 1975 until about an hour ago. The previous owner still had all the pans and rotisserie acoutrements, and I hoped they would continue to plug away, just like my Aunt Sylvia’s are. I’m happy to report that the black smoke billowing out of the upper oven did not cause damage or harm. I would never have mentioned it, but for my desire to tell you how HOT the BHFD is! Captain Wilson and crew responded quickly and calmly, male and female, all gorgeous enough to be movie stars! Thanks guys!

2 Responses to “I’m on fire”

  1. Brooks Says:

    Visit Brooks

    Are you sure these aren’t strippers?

  2. alexandra Says:

    Visit alexandra

    Shhh – The Husband was out of town – was trying to keep all my shenanigans on the down low!