Archive for the 'graphic artists' Category

Drumroll…hope you like this color…

Published on January 20, 2009

Tweet …because you’ll be seeing it everywhere. Once color marketing and trend forecasters like Pantone and Color Marketing Group announce their predictions for popular color, manufacturers listen. Companies like the Gap and just about any retail manufacturer prepare their interpretations fashionable color the minute these reports are available and cater everything in their lines to […]

Cool design thingy to express yourself – in so many words…

Published on July 16, 2008

Tweet Design Nomad is always coming up with this stuff – she made a wordle for me with words from my recent blog entries – told you it was cool, right?

It almost never happens…

Published on May 5, 2008

Tweet …that there is not a line a block long at Sprinkles, the cupcake factory that has captured and addicted millions. In spite of the fact that I live a mere five minute walk from there, I never go, because I truly could bake cupcakes in the amount of time it would take to stand […]

I couldn’t commit…

Published on April 22, 2008

Tweet …to a font, other than my beloved copperplate gothic and my Engravers MT. It has always pleased me that my my business card could be from a venerable law firm, were it not for the one word design. The two fonts used together are timeless, classic, and promote those ideals in my designs. Helvetica […]